Occupational safety and health
Services for the security of
people and companies
We offer a comprehensive range of professional consulting services to companies where special work situations arise. Special work situations are, for example, the execution of work at high workplaces, in confined spaces or other special risk areas.
One focus is on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). For SME companies, rescue and occupational safety aspects are often a real challenge in practice. This applies to daily operations or in the context of specific plans and projects. Our customers include companies that construct or operate high or deep industrial plants, construct or operate high-bay warehouses, onshore and offshore wind turbines or entire wind farms.

Due to the specific features of the working environments at high/low workplaces or around onshore and offshore wind turbines, well-thought-out rescue concepts that work in practice play a significant role. They are to a significant extent decisive for the safety of your employees and for your company in the event of an emergency. We create rescue concepts, for example for
1. Industrial plants
2. Onshore and offshore wind farms
3. Individual on- and offshore
4. Wind turbines
5. Rescue of crane systems
6. Rescue from mines
7. Rescue from confined spaces, e.g. silos